The City of Lynn directed that all childcare programs close by the end of business on March 17, 2020 in order to help mitigate the COVID-19 virus spread. We have a tentative return date of Monday, April 6, 2020.
These are challenging times. To relieve some of the stress Girls Inc. will be waiving parent fees during this closure.
In addition, we are suggesting the following resources below: for information about available services in Massachusetts.
Lynn Food Resources: The Lynn Public School District is offering a free grab-and-go lunch service for all LPS students at Classical, English, Lynn Vocational Technical Institute, and Marshall Middle School, between the hours of 11am–1pm while schools are closed.
Additional Food Resources: If you need food, please call the Food Source Hotline at 800-645-8333 or Anyone can use this hotline and it will have the most uptodate information of where to get free meals, if needed.
Information on COVID-19:
Guidance on talking to children about COVID-19:
At Girls Inc. of Lynn, the team has been working and developing ways to creatively and virtually communicate with families and girls to offer programming as well as social and emotional support during these uncertain times. We are also using this valuable time to plan for our spring and summer sessions.
In response to Governor Baker’s ban on public gatherings, we are also postponing the Girls Inc. Annual Celebration Luncheon originally scheduled for April 2nd. We will of course be monitoring the situation and we look forward to a date when we can celebrate our Girl Heroes and our work here at Girls Inc. of Lynn—together.
During this unprecedented time, we appreciate more than ever the support of our loyal friends, amazing staff, families and volunteers who make the Girls Inc. experience happen for over 1500 girls in Lynn, and now Boston.
Please follow us on social media where we will post communications as information becomes available to us. Thank you for your understanding. Please stay safe and healthy as we face this evolving challenge.
Deb Ansourlian,
Executive Director