Eureka, a component of Operation SMART (Science, Math And Relevant Technology), is an intensive six-week full day summer program focused on science, math, sports, career and personal development . Eureka is held at our building, the Demakes center, on 50 High Street. The girls participate in classes where they explore science and math through hands-on activities and group projects. Classes for the rising seventh grade girls are Patterns & Problem Solving and STEM which covers Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. Rising eighth grade girls participate in a design class which focuses on architecture, engineering and technology. The classes for the rising ninth grade girls include the Beach Sisters, a marine science class and A.C.E. an academic & career exploration class which designed to help prepare the girls for the transition to high school.

All the girls participate in a personal development class each day, along with sports and swimming each day. Once a week the Eureka girls go on expeditions to enhance and expand on the learning that takes place in their classes. Expeditions include visits to the Museum of Science, the Northeastern Marine Science Lab, MIT, a ropes course, canoeing and Lynn Woods for an orienteering activity.

In their final year of Eureka, as rising tenth graders, the girls are placed in paid internships with career women in non-traditional fields and are required to attend a professional development session each week at Girls Inc. The girls work 25 hours a week for six weeks. The internships provide real world work experience while also giving the girls opportunities to be leaders.

Eureka summer STEM program 2024