Impact is important to Girls Inc. Girls ages nine and older participating in 50+ hours of programs annually will participate in the Strong, Smart, and Bold Outcomes Survey (SSBOS) to capture data on girls’ perceptions and experiences related to the areas of healthy living, academic enrichment, and life skills. The SSBOS is part of the Girls Inc. Outcomes Measurement Strategy that was designed to help the network understand and showcase the measurable difference we make in the lives of girls. The SSBOS was developed in partnership with Child Trends, a leading youth development research firm. Girls participating fewer hours than the 50+ benchmark for the SSBOS will also be surveyed for attitudes and knowledge of these subjects.

Program outcomes are collected using an array of academic and assessment tools. Surveys are completed by participants in the beginning and end of the program to assess students’ attitudes, skills, and knowledge of the academic content. Performance tasks and culminating projects are assessed to measure students’ competency of skills and content.  Finally, we utilize the software TraxSolutions to track participation and retention. This data is used to tailor our programs to fit the needs of the population we serve by modifying content, scheduling, and staff to maximize effectiveness.

Girls Inc. of Lynn’s Impact